Schwanger - wer noch?

Schwanger - wer noch?




Geschrieben von NancyHH am 19.04.2024, 12:21 Uhr

Ängstlich in 6. SSW brauche Erfahrungen und Ratschläge:)

Hallo :)

I will answer in English cause it is so much faster for me :)
I am at 7+0 and also very emotional and having many thoughts on my mind. This is my second child but my struggle to get first one 9 years ago, and also this one was real. So I could write a long book
Also I had a biochemical pregnancy and one miscarriage last year. Now I celebrated my 40 th birthday. So our wish is very big

I am IVF patient so I am on Duphaston 3*1. I am feeling mostly good but also my body is stretching a lot and my muscles are twisting. It feels strange I must say. Yesterday ultrasound I has some small brown spots on my underwear and I was truly scared but also confident that all is good
But all in all, getting pregnant isn’t easy task for some of us and I know that you have many thoughts on your mind
But know this: Our body is very strong and our mind too, we just have to give them proper attention and information.
Please read only good stories and positive ones. It feels your brain with good vibes.
Also take a walk, do some yoga. It works a miracle I promise
Go out and watch flowers at park it will low down your stress hormones and induce your brain cells to be able to function clearly and freely
I am praying to god on my own way(I am not religious but I believe in god), I burn bay leaves every time my spirit needs some boost (it calms me and reminds me of my homeland too).
I try to eat good even if my „morning sickness“ last all day and food is more and more repulsive to me

So good luck to you and believe in your body
Love yourself and never ever go hard on you

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